inforegio uniunea europeana guverul romaniei ministerul dezvoltarii regionale si administratiei publice primaria mangalia fonduri UE
National Center for Tourism Information and Promotion - Jupiter


Tomb of Christian Psalms

    This tomb was discovered in the vast necropolis of the Callatis city dated from Roman-Byzantine era and belongs to the category of hypogeum tombs type, spread throughout Roman Empire. The tomb is located at -1,20m to walking level, the access in the funeral...

Mangalia Tourist Port-Mangalia Marina

     Mangalia Marina is the only harbor (for yachts and small boats) on the Black Sea constructed with non-refundable European funds for recreational crafts, at European technical and quality standards which will allow to have a place in the most prestigious...

Comorova Forest

    At the end of XIX century, on the area of Comorova Forest there was a settlement with the same name. It had 4 families, with 14 souls, Turkish and Bulgarian fishermen. Comorova Lake had a surface of 60 ha and was covered by reed. During 1903-1906, at Comorova, 5...

The Archaeological Museum “Callatis” Mangalia

    “Callatis” stronghold was built, according to ancient literary sources, at the end of VI century B.C., by Dorian colonists from Heraclea Pontica. The city was built upon a demand of an oracle, on the remains of a settlement named Cerbatis or Acervetis. The...

The papyrus grave

The papyrus grave THE ONLY PAPYRUS DISCOVERED IN ROMANIA HAS BEEN RETRIEVED     In 1959 the urban planning of Mangalia began and new archaeological researches were conducted. Based on these researches, new archaeological complex were found in the Hellenistic...

The Byzantine Edifice

    In the North-East corner of the city, near the enclosure wall from “President” Hotel reception, it was discovered a big Byzantine-Roman edifice, dated 5th-6th century A.D. The building is rectangular, built of large limestone blocks linked together with lime...

The Natural Reserve-Hagieni Forest

    Located on the left side of Mangalia-Albesti road, the Hagieni Forest is one of the most valuable pieces of Dobrogea (Dobruja) natural heritage. The Reserve amazes through the diversity of the landscape, so different from the coast which is only a few kilometers...

Movile Cave

     Dobrogea (Dobruja) doesn’t have many caves. From 12000 registered caves in Romania, Dobrogea has less than 1%, the reason being the geological conditions. Near Mangalia is the most famous cave in the world: Movile. The cave was discovered in 1986, in a mine shaft...

Limanu Cave

    Located not far away from old Callatis, in a place where fishermen and sailors, smugglers and merchants met for thousands of years, Limanu cave has got a legend aura. It was a refuge during some attacks, hiding place for thieves, home for wanderers, secret place...

The Marine Museum Mangalia

    In August 2004, in a closed-down barrack, the repairing and organizing works for the museum building began. Designed as a museum of naval technology, it displays aspects from the activity of the military harbor in Mangalia from 1952 to 2000. The Marine Museum...

Documaci Tumular Funeral Complex

    In the summer of 1993, The Museum of Archaeology Callatis Mangalia initiated archaeological rescue excavations of one of the most important tumulus in the area, also known as Movila Documaci. It has been discovered a funeral complex of large dimensions, consisting...

Heroes’ Monument

    Heroes’ Monument is located in the center of the city, (Piata Unirii-en: Unity Square), in front of Cultural Centre (en: House of Culture), born from need of a symbol to represent the city, due to its millenary history and the importance it had in ancient times....

Mangalia Lake

    Between Mangalia slop and Saturn is a wide and welcoming beach. At the west it’s a large water mirror, with numerous lines and reed isles- is Mangalia slop which, after its dredging and cleaning became Mangalia Lake. The lake is accessible, in the west is...

Esmahan Sultan Mosque

    Historically, the Mosque was built in 1525 by the daughter of Ottoman sultan Selim II, wife of Ottoman pasha Sokollu Mehmed, her father’s vizier. The Mosque is surrounded by a Muslim cemetery, valuable due to its age, culturally and spiritually, with tombs over...

Callatis Ancient City

    Callatis Ancient City was built, according to ancient sources, at the end of 6th Century B.C. Dorian colonists from Heraclea Pontica. The city was built upon a demand of an oracle, on the remains of a Getic settlement named Cerbatis or Acervetis. The ancient city...

Saint Mina Church

    Saint Mina Church is a wooden church, bringing on the lands of Dobruja (Dobrogea) the wonderful Romanian tradition of Maramures. The place was sanctified on 04th March 2006 and the construction began the following months. The wooden church started to be assembled...

Natural tourist resources


Botany and Ornitology
  • Hagieni forest – between Hagieni and Albesti villages, lays the Hagieni forest. It covers over 548 hectares of which the preserve itself covers 207,40 hectares. The forest preserve is comprised of three parts: a central part covering 100 hectares dotted with oak and carpinita as well as glades and bears the name “Cazane”, the western part, with its stony valleys and feather grass covered glades covers 28 hectares and the northern part of the preserve, named “Cascaia”.
  • The fossil-bearing site in Aliman – the preserve covers 14, 62 hectares and is home to lakes Sarpul and Vederoasa and is considered a natural heritage.
  • Esechioi forest preserve – Ostrov – Natural zoology and botanical preserve
  • Canaraua Fetii forest – Baneasa – Natural zoology and botanical preserve
  • The calcic walls of Petrosani – Deleni, Petrosani – Natural biosphere, geology, zoology and scientific preserve.
  • M. Eminescu forest
  • Hagieni forest
  • Talasman forest (Adamclisi)
  • Dumbraveni forest
  • Bratca forest (Oltina)
  • Cetate forest (Oltina)

*St. Andrew’s cave, mountainside: Dealul Viitor, Ion Corvin

As far as speleology is concerned, although not as rich as other counties, Constanta is known internationally for its caves, attractions which bring thousands of visitors. This is where St. Andrew’s and Ioan Cassian caves are to be found and where complex monastical centers function. Constanta enjoys more appreciation from speleologists, as it is home to extremely important objectives, each unique in its own way. Here is where Christian orthodox figures lived or where important fossil remains have been found. Valea Casimcei proudly boasts its eight caves, of which La Adam is known because of an altar built in honour of the mysterious god Mithras. La Movile is considered unique worldwide because of the new species discovered here, in an environment rich in hydrogen disulphide and conditions improper for human habitation; Limanu’s “The Maze” is considered the location of the legendary Keiris, a cave where in ancient times the Gets, who were at war with the Romans, were buried alive.

  • The Black Sea
  • Oltina lake – Oltina
  • Bugeac lake – Bugeac village
  • Plopeni lake – Plopeni village

Cultural tourism resources of the Ostrov – Adamclisi


Cultural Edifice of Touristic Interest
  • Tropaeum Traiani triumph monument – Adamclisi (64 km from Constanta), an edifice unique in all of the Roman provinces both because of its size as well as its ornate nature. Tropaeum Traiani is a Roman victory monument built to honour the Roman emperor Traian between 106 and 109 AD in order to commemorate the Roman victory against the Dacians in the year 102 AD. It was restored in 1977, after one of the models hypothesized that the ancient monument looked like, which was in ruins. It covers 2 hectares. In its museum, parts of the original monument can be seen. Tropaeum Traiani is one of the most important ancient Roman monuments in Romania. 2 km west of the victory monument, the Roman stronghold Tropaeum Traiani was built, which is mentioned in writings for the first time as a municipality in the year 170.
  • Adamclisi Archaeological Museum – Adamclisi
  • Stone fountain middle of the 19th century – Oltina
  • Zulfie Totay Tartaric Museum – Cobadin
  • The Suspended Caves of Dumbraveni
Religious Edifice of Touristic Interest
  • Dervent monastery (DN3, between the Ostrov branch of the Danube and Buceag lake), historical monument as well as healing spring
  • St. Apostle Andrew – Ion Corvin
  • The Dumbraveni Nun Monastery – Dumbraveni
  • The Lipnita Nun Monastery – Cobadin
  • Strunga Nun Monastery – Oltina
Historical Monuments
  • Sacidava-Dunareni stronghold, Geto-Dacian settlement and later, in the 2nd to 7th centuries, Roman fort;
  • Altinum settlement Getic stronghold Valea Dacilor-Oltina, civil settlement and headquarters for the Roman fluvial military fleet between the 1st and the 4th centuries.
  • Ostrov Byzantine stronghold (Vicina) on Pacuiul de Soare island, a strong naval base known as Vicina, (971 – 976); archaeological research began in the year 1957, when the first walls were discovered. It is believed that the stronghold goes on underwater, Danube branch, there being established the first orthodox metropolitan in the year 1300. The island is 9 km long.
  • Durostorum stronghold
  • Adamclisi stronghold – Adamclisi
  • Hallstattiana stronghold – Horia village
  • The Roman-Byzantine Cius stronghold – Garliciu village
  • Roman settlement, Getic gravesite – Baneasa
  • Coslogeni settlement – Chirnogeni village
  • The Roman altar of Adamclisi – Adamclisi
clear sky
humidity: 73%
wind: 3 m/s SSE
H 19 • L 18